Creating and Switching Events

When logged in to the Slidecrew portal, the top menu will always show the logo on the far left and next to it either the “Create Event” button or the name of your current event.

If your account has not yet been associated with an event, then the “Create event” button will show, otherwise your most recently accessed event will load.

Event Switcher

Click the Event name to open the event switcher, which will let you view a list of the Slidecrew events that you currently have access to.

Click on an event to switch to it, or click the “+“ icon to go to the event creator.

Event Creator

The starting screen of the event creator has only a “start” button, aside from the top menu. Click it to continue. From there, you will be guided through the rest of the event creation process step by step.

A countdown will display on the left side of the screen will show which step you are currently on. You can go back to a previous step if needed.

There is also a currency selector at the top of each page. Prices in other currencies are based on the Euro.

Throughout the event creation process, the “Current Billing” section will display a summary of the items you have selected and their prices, so you should always be well-informed.

1. Event plan

The first step is to decide which plan works best for your event. Please take a moment to read the package descriptions. Note that some options in the next steps are limited based on which package is selected, however, you can always go back and change which plan you select.

2. Days & rooms

After selecting your package, the next step is to choose the number of rooms and days your event will have.

Drag the sliders to set the amounts needed for your event, and click “Continue” to move to the next step.

“Rooms” refers to the number of rooms at your event that will require presentation management services, and should not include rooms where Slidecrew will not be needed.

“Days” refers to event days only, where sessions will be held using our presentations management services. The event staff and admins will still be able to access the portal leading up to the event days without the need to list those days here.

3. E posters

Use the slider to determine how many E posters you will be needing for your event. These are the number of E poster submissions for your event, not the number of screens (poster stations) that they will be displayed on at your event.

Depending on the event package selected, E Posters may not be available to you.

4. Extras

The “Extras” page will be where we include additional options, as they become available. Currently, the only option available in the live version is assistance with importing your event data.

5. Event information

This step is for filling in some basic information about your event, such as its name and the dates it will be taking place. There are also some optional fields that can also be filled in later, or not at all. Mandatory fields are indicated by a red asterisk.

6. Billing information

This page is for entering your billing information and will be used for invoices, quotes and payments.

Again, some fields are mandatory, while others are optional. Mandatory fields are indicated by a red asterisk, and some (such as VAT number) may change how your invoice or quote is processed.

The “Continue” button will be greyed out until all mandatory information is filled in.

7. Order confirmation

The last step before either payment or generating a quote is to confirm your order. This page lists each of the items you have included in your order and its pricing.

There are two options on this page:

  1. The “Get Quote” button will create a PDF quote with the information and selected items. The PDF should include a button or link back to this page of the event creation process, so that you can pick up where you left off, without having to go through all the previous steps again.
  2. The “Checkout” button will direct you to a Mollie page to process payment for the event.

Once the payment has been processed, you will be presented with a loading screen while your event is created.

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