Our E posters offer attendees an interactive, touchscreen interface to search, swipe through or zoom in on high-resolution images submitted through an easy-to-use process for both organisers and poster authors.
Display submitted posters in seconds
Submitted files are converted from PowerPoint or PDF into a high-resolution image, and immediately made available in the appropriate session and topic.
Updates and edits to already displayed posters are as easy as a drag-and-drop upload from the author or organiser, and just as quick.

Intuitive User Interface
Our E posters are designed for multi-touch screens, from large displays down to tablets. Users can browse through topics and search based on poster information, Zoom in on sections of interest within a poster or scan a QR code to view a specific poster on their own devices.
High-Quality Content
Image and text quality is maintained through the conversion process, providing peace of mind to authors submitting information-dense posters, and convenience the the attendees zooming in on detailed sections of a poster.