Technician App

The Technician App is one of two file management apps and is designed for rooms operated by a dedicated room technician, where presentation files are opened by them, instead of the speakers. This means that the interface gives more information and control to the technician, compared to the Kiosk app.

While the App is running, it will be constantly checking for new files or file versions and will download any updates.

The main area of the app will list the current day’s presentations, ordered chronologically and divided by session. Along the top will be a row of buttons, one for each session, showing the starting times for each. Click one of these buttons to jump to that session.

Presentation Blocks

Each presentation within a session is shown as a block with:

  • start time
  • end time
  • duration
  • presentation title
  • speakers
  • File status indicator

The file status indicator will show the number of files currently on the device for that presentation. If one or more files are downloading the indicator will change from a page icon to a download icon and a percentage.

Each presentation block can be expanded to show more details on each of its files by clicking on the downward arrow to the left of the block.

Clicking on a file block will open the file, and if it is a PowerPoint, start the slideshow, ready for the speaker to take over.

Settings Menu

The hamburger icon at the top right opens the same menu as in the software manager. for more information, please refer to the Software Manager article.

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