The Import Tool

he import tool uses a spreadsheet to fill your event’s agenda with rooms, sessions and presentations with speakers.

The Import Spreadsheet Template

An Excel spreadsheet template is available for download here. Please note that if you already have a spreadsheet (or are able to export one), it may be more convenient to make changes to that one instead.

The excel spreadsheet has a column for each of the inputs that the import tool is able to accept, with colour-coded headings:

  • Green: Important information, such as the session title or speaker name.
  • Blue: ID numbers that, if left blank, the import tool will automatically create (editing these is optional and generally not recommended).
  • Yellow: Optional fields that can be left blank, or filled in for additional information to display on digital signage or for moderators/session chairs to see. By default these columns are hidden, to show them click the ➕ icon above the column next to that section.
  • Grey: A hidden column, used to generate the correct Session type ID. Please do not edit this column.

What Information Can be Imported?

Below is a list of all the data that can be imported to your Slidecrew event using our tool, split into sections:

Session Information

  • Session ID – If left blank, an ID number will automatically be assigned for each session.
    However custom IDs can be entered, provided they are whole numbers
  • Session title (required) – the name of the session
  • Session type ID (do not edit) – A hidden column for assigning a session type within the event portal, please do not edit.
  • Session Type (required) – A dropdown list with 4 options to select from:
    • Breakout session – the default session, with presentations
    • E-poster session – presentations within this session will be allocated as E poster submissions
    • Rehearsal – Presentations will function as with the Breakout session type, but this session will not show on digital signage
    • Breakslide – Presentations will function as with the Breakout session type, but this session will not show on digital signage
  • Session date (required) – the event day of the session, this column
  • Session start time and Session end time (required) – these columns will only accept entries in an “HH:mm” time format. The end time must be later than the start time.
  • Session room ID – If left blank, an ID number will automatically be assigned for each room. However custom IDs can be entered, provided they are whole numbers with at least 3 digits.
  • Session room (required) – the name of the room the session will take place in.
  • Session subtitle (optional) – an optional subtitle for the session name.
  • Session topics (optional) – an optional field for listing topics covered in the session.
  • Session stream (optional) – a field to input the stream link for that session, currently only functions as a place for those with portal access to easily find stream links

Moderator (session chair) information

  • Chair ID – If left blank, an ID number will automatically be assigned for each session chair/moderator. However custom ID’s can be entered, provided they are whole numbers.
  • Chair first name (required) – session chair/moderator’s first name
  • Chair last name (required) – session chair/moderator’s last name
  • Chair title (optional) – session chair/moderator’s title, e.g. Mr. Mrs. or Dr.
  • Chair Job description (optional) – an optional field to provide the job title of the session chair/moderator.
  • Chair Company (optional) – an optional field to provide the company name of the session chair/moderator.
  • Chair City (optional) – an optional field to provide the City for the session chair/moderator.
  • Chair country (optional) – an optional field to provide the country of the session chair/moderator.
  • Chair email (optional) – Necessary if session chairs are going to receive a “moderator” email (see the email template page).
  • Chair Biography (optional) – an optional field to provide more information about the session chair/moderator, displayed in the moderator app.

Presentation Information

  • Presentation ID – If left blank, an ID number will automatically be assigned for each presentation. However custom ID’s can be entered, provided they are whole numbers.
  • Presentation title (required) – the name of the presentation
  • Presentation duration (required) – How much time is allocated to this presentation, please enter information in this column as in hours and minutes (H:mm)
  • Presentation subtitle (optional) – an optional subtitle for the presentation
  • Presentation order (optional) – the order (from first to last) the presentations within a session should appear
  • Presentation abstract (optional) – an optional field to add a presentation abstract
  • Presentation is panel (optional) – choose “true” or “false” from the dropdown. If a presentation is marked as a panel, then no files will be expected, and it will show as green (checked) on the agenda page.
  • Presentation is remote (optional) – choose “true” or “false” from the dropdown. If a presentation is marked as “remote” then it is assumed that the speaker is presenting remotely, and that speaker will receive the “Remote” email (see the email template page).

Speaker Information

  • Speaker ID – If left blank, an ID number will automatically be assigned for each speaker. However custom ID’s can be entered, provided they are whole numbers.
  • Speaker first name (required) – The first name(s) of the speaker
  • Speaker last name (required) – The last names(s) of the speaker
  • Speaker title (optional) – the speaker’s title, e.g. Mr. Mrs. or Dr.
  • Speaker e-mail (optional) – essential for sending the mass email to speakers with their upload links.
  • Speaker job description (optional) – an optional field to provide the job title of the speaker
  • Speaker company (optional) – an optional field to provide the company name of the speaker
  • Speaker city (optional) – an optional field to provide the City for the speaker
  • Speaker country (optional) – an optional field to provide the country of the speaker
  • Speaker biography (optional) – an optional field to provide more information about the speaker, displayed in the moderator app.

Adding Multiple Speakers or Moderators

For presentations or posters with more than one speaker, fill in additional rows with the same
session name and presentation name, but replacing the first speaker’s details with the next
speaker (see image).

Optional session, presentation and speaker information that was already added in a previous
row does not have to be entered again.
For example, in the image below, the “Speaking under Pressure” presentation has all its optional
fields filled out in the first row.

However, as long as the import tool has enough detail (e.g. identical session and presentation
names or IDs) to match to an already existing session and presentation, the additional details
can be left blank.
In the example image, a new presentation will be added, with the subtitle and duration, as the
three speakers listed on the right.

To Importing a New Dataset

1. Choose the “Imports” tab under the “Core” menu

2. Click the “select file” button and choose the spreadsheet you wish to import.

3. The import tool will display a preview of the first few rows of each column in your spreadsheet and will attempt to match the columns to the information it needs.
At the top of each column will be the spreadsheet’s column heading, with a dropdown menu of options for data that the tool can import.
If the tool has not matched up a column correctly or has not recognised a column in your spreadsheet as important, open the dropdown menu and select the relevant option.

4. Once you are satisfied that all relevant columns are matched, click the “Start import” button. The import process will show a readout of what it is doing and will inform you when it finishes or encounters an error.

If you are encountering an error when trying to import, and are unsure how to proceed, please contact us.

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