Event Users: Managing Staff and Attendees

our event portal provides an intuitive interface for overseeing all event users, from speakers and moderators to event staff.
Whether you need to add new users, edit profiles, or handle user-specific tasks, the process is straightforward with Slidecrew.

The Users Page

The users page is your hub for managing attendees and staff for your event. It provides a clear, organised list of all users, divided into two tabs:

  1. Attendees: Includes users who will be submitting and presenting files at your event, such as speakers, moderators, and ePoster submitters
  2. Staff: Includes users who will have access to the backend of your event portal, and will therefore need a Slidecrew account to log-in, like admins, event organizers, and technicians.

For each user, the page displays their email, role at the event, and company. Additional features include:

  • Search Functionality: The search bar specific to the users page helps you quickly locate attendees or staff by filtering the list view.
  • Bulk Actions: Use checkboxes to select multiple users for bulk actions, such as deleting selected profiles using the trashcan icon.
  • User Sidebar: Clicking on a user’s name opens a sidebar, where you can view, edit, or manage their details.
The uers page, lists all the current users for the selected event, arranged in a table for easy overview and applying bulk actions.

User Sidebar Features

The User Sidebar gives you access to detailed information about each user, as well as some functionality to manage their details and schedule, including:

  • View Basic User Information: Name, role, email, and any assigned presentations or sessions.
  • Manage Presentations: Download, upload, delete, or review files for any presentations they’re assigned to.
  • Edit User Details: Use the pencil icon to update their information, such as name, company or role.
  • Quick Actions: The three-dot menu offers options like:
    • Adding the user to the Speaker Ready Room queue.
    • Assigning the user directly to a Speaker Ready Room workstation.
    • Sending a customized email using the email template page.
    • Deleting the user from the database.
An example of the event user sidebar, including all data fields.

Adding a New User

There are several different ways of adding new attendee users to your event portal. They can be manually added on by one, imported in batches via our spreadsheet import tool, or automatically if an API connection has been set up.

To manually add new users, click one of the red “+” buttons, located at the top or bottom of the user list, to open the Add User form. You can add two types of users:

  • Speakers: These users don’t need portal access. They interact with Slidecrew via personalized links and emails or through the on-site apps.
  • Organizers & Admins: Provide the email address they will be using for their Slidecrew account to grant them access to the event portal. If the user doesn’t already have a Slidecrew account, they’ll receive an invitation to sign up and gain access.

When creating a new user, you can select their account role or level using the “Level:” dropdown menu.

For more information on the spreadsheet and API import options, please see the section on Importing Your Event Data.

Assigning Attendee User Roles

Attendee-level users are automatically allocated roles based on what they are assigned to in the event portal.

  • When a user is added to a presentation, they become a Speaker.
  • Assigning a user to an ePoster marks them as a Poster Submitter.
  • Allocating a user to a session lists them as a Moderator.

These roles aren’t exclusive, a single attendee can hold multiple roles simultaneously.

To assign a speaker to a presentation:

  • Find Select the relevant session on the Programme or Sessions page to open the Sidebar containing that presentation.
  • Find the presentation you would like to add a speaker to, then click the pen and paper icon to enable editing.
  • Click the field under “Speakers:” that will either list the existing speakers for that presentation or have the text “No Speakers”.
  • A dropdown menu of all attendee-level users will appear, start typing the name of the intended user to narrow the list.
  • Click the name of the user you would like to add as a speaker.
  • The changes will be updated automatically, no need to find a “save” button.

Managing Moderators

Moderators are session chairs responsible for overseeing specific sessions. They will have access to additional tools such as the Moderator Overview page through their personalised email, showing details and slide previews for the sessions they will be moderating. To assign a moderator:

  • Select a session on the Programme or Sessions page to open the Sidebar for that session
  • Click the field under “Session Moderators:” that will either list the existing moderators for that session or have the text “Select Moderators”.
  • A dropdown menu of all attendee-level users will appear, start typing the name of the intended user to narrow the list.
  • Click the name of the user you would like to add as a moderator.
  • The changes will be updated automatically, no need to find a “save” button.

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